First Education

Meet the Tutors – Nicole Lambert

Harry Mav: Hey Nicole, thank you for joining me! Let’s start with what you’re up to at the moment in life, you’ve just finished your uni degree right?

Nicole Lambert: Hey Harry, yep exactly, I just finished a Bachelor of Media, PR and advertising and I’m currently doing a Masters of Commerce (marketing). It’s a field I really enjoy, I’m also doing an internship at the moment in marketing and loving being in the work force as well!

HM: Great to hear! And you’ve been tutoring for a while at First Ed as well right?

NL: Yep I’ve been tutoring since 2017 in English and Maths, it’s been amazing to be able to build students’ confidence and assist in their understanding. I actually used to come here as a student and found the tutoring so helpful for me, it’s an honour to be able to give back and help other students!

HM: That’s right, very cool! Do you have a preferred year level that you like to tutor?

NL: All the year levels come with different rewards and challenges but I think Year 11 and 12 I find the most rewarding. I feel I can really contribute to the students at this critical point of their lives and we can build a really helpful mentoring relationship that makes very tangible differences to their experience of the HSC!

HM: Wow that’s awesome! And especially this year with all the difficulties presented to students is there one thing that has really stood out for you to focus on with your students?

NL: I guess their confidence, I’ve found that so many students are really able to do what they need to do but just don’t believe in themselves and aren’t willing to be vulnerable enough to have a go and risk failure. It’s so necessary though! Video call sessions have added another dimension to the tuition and I think we’re all better off for having it as an option!