First Education


Post ImageSince it was the start of the year coming back from holidays, Demi focused on asking about holidays and other activities that her student went on or participated in, before planning out future sessions ahead of the term and year. They also discussed co curricular activities and future subjects that the student would be taking, encouraging her to participate in such activities throughout school life.

Demi was going through stats with her student, particularly interquartile range, mins, maxs and averages. Demi was able to explain a wide array of concepts in good detail, outlining the meaning of each quartile, as well as providing outlier formulae too. Demi was able to also provide good tips regarding unit conversions, explaining how to use certain shortcuts to help with her working. Although the topics of stats were broad, Demi primarily focused on working on the median, explaining a basic concept to help her student attain a better overall understanding before moving onto other more complex concepts.

Demi was engaging and encouraging with her student, always allowing for time to think through her answers and ask questions at free will. Demi encouraged her to critique her reasoning in her answers, and was able to respond to these questions and help develop her understanding further.

Overall, Demi was able to manage a fun and engaging lesson for her student at the start of the schooling year, talking about the new upcoming year and focusing on stats and data. I’ll be looking to implement Demi’s teaching techniques into my tutoring sessions for the start of the year too!

Daniel Rulli