First Education


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This session was a mathematics session, with Sophie tutoring Max mostly on different forms and complexity of long division. What I observed was the revision of this topic, where Sophie first started with simple questions. As the student gained a better understanding of the fundamentals of this topic, Sophie continued creating progressively more complex questions allowing Max to begin to understand the topic more and grasping the concepts even as the questions got harder. She created these questions and went over each solution with the use of the available whiteboard, which seemed to assist the student in their understanding as both the questions and the solutions were laid out well and clearing. You were also able to see Sophie go through and explain each step of each question as she laid it out on the whiteboard. As the lesson progressed, I could clearly see the student starting to understand each aspect of the topic and start to improve in his responses and overall understanding. Towards the end of the session, Sophie created many questions for the student to try on his own. I found this to be a valuable part of the session as the student was then able to take all the practical knowledge he had learned on long division and apply it himself, allowing him to further understand the topic. Of course, Sophie was there to help if the student had any problems, but the action of giving the student time to attempt questions on the topic himself seemed to be a great way to sort of solidify the content he had learned, and I assume would allow him to better retain it for future application. At the end of the session, Sophie assigned the student homework to further advance his understanding of the topic and allowing him to practice it over multiple days. Overall, I think this session was one of value and education, as the student seemed to clearly further his understanding of long division through Sophies effective and efficient delivery and structuring of the session.

Lishai Rubinstein