First Education


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Kassandra was taking Andreas for Mathematics Year 10 and teaching Financial Maths. He is a relatively new student for Kassandra, and since this was the start of the year, this session was a revision lesson to observe how well Andreas understood the concepts of Financial Maths as a starting point to work forward for future sessions.

Kassandra spent a decent time communicating to Andreas the concepts she wanted him to understand, and then have him ample time for individual work to allow him to apply his problem solving skills to questions on his own in silence.

It is important for me to remember that students need revision sessions every now and then to make them a well rounded student. As I have tought this content for many years, I can recall it easily but a student who covered it even a few weeks ago, might have forgotten. Moving forward, I will aim to prepare some revision lessons to both boost the confidence in the students on the content they know, and ensure the concepts they learnt have stuck.
