Today I had a the opportunity to observe my fellow tutor Natasya teach her Year 11 English Advanced student, Alice. Today, there were covering the legislation surrounding criminal age responsibility targeting young adults and the consequences surrounding the crime they inflict. While observing Natasya, I picked up various methods of teaching that I will keep in mind and learn from in my future sessions. This includes Natasya’s positive attitude and demeanour towards her student as they delved into deep conversation about legal advancements in different countries and the way in which criminal policies and consequences worldwide have an effect on their population. This allowed for an extremely free flowing conversation between the tutor and the student that elicits the student to ask any questions that arise. Furthermore, Natasya thoroughly embedded the concepts around writing techniques and styles to her student so that there was a full comprehensive understanding, assisting her in exam style questions that will inevitably come up in future exams. Natasya gradually built her students understanding and frequently checked in to ensure her student was following by asking questions like, “Does that make sense?”. She also portrayed a distinct amount of attention to the students understanding about the debate around changing Australia’s criminal age responsibility so that she is confident the student knows exactly how to employ her ideas into text. This was shown through her conversational cues and intense online investigation to find supporting information for their claims. They also ensured to reveal both sides of the argument so that they could draw meaningful conclusions surrounding the justification around the age of criminal responsibility. The student portrayed a calm and relaxed attitude in response to Natasya’s tuition allowing her to grasp the information and informative questions Natasya was asking her related to the topic of her investigation. By the end of the lesson, the student was confident in the content surrounding legislation of criminal age responsibility in certain countries especially Australia after being exposed to multiple facts, examples and statistics that they unveiled throughout the lesson.
Overall, I profoundly enjoyed observing Natasya tutor Alice and learnt some very valuable lessons!
Thank you