
Throughout the lesson, Katherine maintains a calm and supportive atmosphere. She started by asking the student how they initially felt about the English material, and based on their response, she adjusted her approach. This initial check-in helped her gauge the student’s confidence and set a personalised direction for the session. When the student struggled with a problem with comprehending the text or grammar, she patiently waited, offered gentle prompts and asked leading questions to guide the student towards the solution without jumping to answer right away.

Her explanations were always clear and concise. She utilised simple, relatable examples to break down complex topics, making sure that the student followed each step before moving forward. If she sensed hesitation, she paused and re-explained what she meant, ensuring no part of the lesson was rushed. Katherine often asked the student to explain their thinking process, helping them articulate their understanding, and reinforcing the material. This approach also allowed Katherine to identify where the student might be confused, so she could address specific issues to ensure the student’s understanding.

Throughout the session, Katherine’s tone remains consistently calm and encouraging, regardless of the reception and mood of the student. She doesn’t rush the student, giving them space to think through problems on their own. Even when mistakes are made, she never shows frustration. Instead, Katherine used those moments as teaching opportunities, guiding the student to self-correct by asking open-ended questions like, “What do you think happens next?” This fosters a sense of independence and problem-solving skills, and this is particularly something I will try to implement into my own tutoring methods.

Katherine’s patient demeanour was key to the student’s growing confidence. By the end of the session, it was clear that the student felt more engaged and willing to attempt more challenging problems. The supportive environment Katherine created made it easier for the student to embrace challenges and mistakes as part of the learning process, promoting long-term growth.

Toby Bower