I got the opportunity to observe Celdric and his student’s session today!
They first revised the content they had gone through last session, which helped the student to consolidate previously learned knowledge and prepare for learning new content. When completing the questions, Celdric prompted the student to talk through his thinking and provided guidance when the student was not sure of the next steps. He also provided verbal encouragement when the student completed correct steps. Using illustrations and graphs helped the student to better understand questions relating to coordinates and direction.
Towards the end of the session, Celdric checked in with how the student was progressing at school. He made sure that they had covered all topics that have been done at school, and confirmed the upcoming topics. In preparation for next session, Celdric ran through the terminology of the next topic and made sure the student was equipped with the foundational knowledge to understand the content that will be taught at school.
Thanks for letting me observe!
Derus Kung