First Education


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Today I observed Adrianna who was tutoring two of her maths students. for one of them she was going over compound interest and the methods to solving questions. She specifically explained Compound interest by breaking it down and trying to use real life concepts like investing to help her students understand. She allowed her students to try examples to implement what they had learned and utilised textbook examples as well as the board to thoroughly highlight the methods that would maximise their marks. She dedicated her time very well between both students which can be difficult in a short 1 hour session. I believe I can’t take a lot away from the session particularly when I have a session with multiple students during which splitting attention can be quite difficult. Overall she did an amazing job!

I also observed another tutor, Andrea, in the room who was tutoring her English student. She specifically went through how to write responses in English. She would walk through how to breakdown an essay and how to alter responses to suit what a marker would expect. She highlighted the importance of rereading to make sure students pick up all key ideas. She continuously gave him pointers and pushed him to correct himself rather than giving him all the answers. Tutor and student discussed key terms in English and exactly what they mean when analysing questions and how these key terms can be used in responses to get as many marks as possible. However, she also highlighted how important it is not to overuse words that may disrupt the flow of a written piece. She continuously asked him to reflect on his choices and writing while also giving him feedback herself. These methods can be implemented in any written based subject and helps build confidence in students. Overall amazing work!

Olga-Liana Athanasatos