First Education


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Today I had the opportunity to observe Joseph tutor his Year 8 Math student.

Joseph immediately noticed his student’s anxiety surrounding his upcoming yearly Math exam so he began by talking his student through each topic which his student then began to remember methods and content he had learned previously. By breaking the notification down and briefly explaining each topic by using examples from his school textbook, this alleviated the initial stress his student was experiencing. Joseph then tested his students knowledge on different topics to see what he knew prior to beginning revision questions. This ensured that optimal time was spent on areas that presented difficulty. Joseph helped his student organise and condense his notes through illustrations and summary points, providing him with an alternative study technique to what he had previously done. As students may find revision challenging when there is an overwhelming amount of content, this strategy effectively ensured that the student had a clear understanding of topics. Additionally, Joseph allowed his student to explain his thought process and provide reasoning for his answers, ensuring meaningful engagement throughout the lesson. Overall, I admired Joseph’s patience and reassurance that allowed for the lesson to run smoothly while creating a comfortable environment for his student.

Great job!! :))

Marina Nouris