First Education

Module 8 Biology

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I unfortunately had a no-show for my HSC biology student this Thursday but I’ve had a few new Year 12s start the past couple weeks and they are both starting the HSC syllabus with module 8, which is kind of back to front, idk why they’re starting with that and not module 5 but nonetheless. This is my least favourite module mostly because there’s a lot of anatomy content to remember but I wanted to work on compiling some module 8 notes for my students to add to as we progress throughout the term and also for myself to understand/remember the content better so I can teach this content better. Although there are always topic areas as a tutor that you are less comfortable with teaching, I think its important that we try keep ourselves fresh and up to date with every area of content so that those content areas we are less confident with don’t also become the content areas that our students are less confident with. That being said, with teaching biology there is so much to remember and so I think its important that we teach our students how to be resourceful and how to find things out for themselves by showing them how to research content for themselves when they are not sure. I think its realistic that as a tutor you don’t know the answer to all of their questions straight away so its important to show how you go about problem solving and researching when you don’t know the answer. Anyway, yapping out of the way, I used this time to reflect on how I teach and familiarise myself with some of the content which I am less fond of.

Grace Apted