First Education


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Alice began to teach time to one of her students in primary school by drawing a large clock on the whiteboard. Alice has a friendly approach and asks prompting questions while correcting her student when necessary. She maintained engagement from the student by visually showing the student how to understand how to read time on an analog clock.

Alice experimented with different times on the clock for the student to read, whilst reminding her of the rules when reading time. The diagram of the clock was detailed as Alice labelled it with the number of seconds and minutes within the clock. Then, the hours were kept on the clock while the student read different times. The student then wrote the times in digital form next to the clock. Alice also drew a timeline to show day and night by starting at 12am and finishing at 12pm, and she and the student drew visuals to match such as a sunrise. Overall, Alice supported her student to understand time by being patient and correcting her when appropriate. I like this holistic approach to teaching time and I would definitely consider a similar approach to teaching time.

Andriana Mitrevski