Watching Emma tutor two students was extremely helpful and insightful for me to discover how different tutoring methods are required for each student.
The first hour involved a student who was very chatty and relaxed, and it was interesting to watch Emma skillfully navigate the balance of work and fun throughout the hour. By incorporating multiple breaks throughout, Emma was able to maximise the student’s focus and concentration during the hour whilst ensuring her student enjoyed herself. Playing the game Uno as well as short 3-5min chatting breaks allowed Emma to create a calm and relaxed environment, whilst also maintaining the expectation that a high level of work would still be completed during the hour. This also ensured that the student was comfortable asking questions as Emma taught, and did not experience negative pressure when answering a question or making a mistake. As a result of this, the positive relationship between tutor and student was clearly shown, with both respect and friendship acting as a demonstration of what a tutor and student relationship can be. Watching this session allowed me to understand how to plan a tutoring session with a student similar to this, and also how to best navigate a positive, respectful relationship between tutor and student. Emma’s second student was slightly quieter, but just as eager to work with Emma, who used a wide range of teaching methods, including workbook questions, whiteboards and educational games to ensure continuous engagement for the session. Adequate homework was provided, and Emma adjusted this amount by asking each student if they were struggling with the usual amount, or wanted more challenging work. Through this, Emma ensured that they would not get overwhelmed and would be able to keep up for next week.
Overall, my 2 hour observation with Emma was super helpful for me to understand the best ways to work with my students to ensure they experience a tutoring session specialised to their own needs, which allows the tutor to foster a positive relationship with their student. I learnt the importance of adapting my teaching methods for each student as well as ensuring a healthy balance between work and breaks is maintained throughout. I am grateful to have had this opportunity to learn from Emma, and look forward to applying these methods to my own students in the future.
Annabelle Molloy