Meet the Tutors – Mary Diamond

Harry Mav: Hey Mary, great to speak with you! So, tell us a bit about yourself!

Mary Diamond: Thank you Harry, likewise! Last year I finished a Bachelor of Clinical Science, taking a bit of a gap year at the moment and hoping to get into Medicine next year!

HM: Wow that’s great! And you finished the degree in a very short time right?

MD: Yes it was meant to be a 3 year degree but they have this accelerated thing where you do it in 2 years, it was tough but I’m very glad to have gone through it.

HM: That’s awesome! And you’ve always wanted to get into Medicine?

MD: I’ve always been fascinated by the human body and want to help people! My GAMSAT results were very strong so hopefully all goes well and I can start next year!

HM: That’s incredible, we wish you all the best! And how long have you been tutoring for?

MD: I’ve been tutoring for 3 years now (ever since I finished school), really loving it!! It’s so great to see students’ excitement when they understand something, I’ve particularly enjoyed the older students in their work for Maths, English and Biology with helping them be the best they can be and enjoy the achievements!

HM: So good. And you’re very much a high achiever yourself, I believe you were the School Captain of St Spyridon College when you were there and you got 1st in the state in Music among other things?

MD: That’s right, school was a great time in so many ways and it was wonderful to have such great teachers and mentors. It’s incredible now to be in that position with my students and one day my patients to some extent, looking forward to seeing what the future holds!