First Education

Year 10 HSC Program

(from Term 4) Year 10 HSC Program

The Year 10 HSC Program commences in Term 4 for:

Maths Extension 1
Maths Advanced
Maths Standard

The First Education HSC Program is intended for the purpose of guiding HSC students through their HSC Maths studies at a slightly faster rate than what they are likely to experience in the classroom. The program combines learning in small groups, interacting individually with the tutor, doing homework, and experiencing exam style conditions to allow each student to build their passion and confidence in their maths to conquer their goals!! 

Cost of Small Group Sessions – $108 per 2 hour session. 

For more information please Contact Us to have a chat and organise a session!

Structure of each weekly session (2 hours)
30 minsGoing through homework
30 minsSession 1 content
5 minsQuick break / Game
30 minsSession 2 content
25 minsQuestions on Session 1 and 2 content


At First Education we build passion and confidence in our students so they can conquer their goals!

To experience all this for yourself and your child, Contact Us to have a chat and organise a session!