First Education

Tuition locations

Tuition Locations

Since our inception in 2010 we have found that tuition in a positive learning environment (without the over familiarity of the home environment) is ideal for one on one tuition.

All of our face to face tuition is at one of our Centres (BondiEarlwoodMaroubraMascot or Randwick).

Level 1, 158 Bondi Road Bondi
Take a virtual tour
Level 1, 295 Homer Street Earlwood
Take a virtual tour
868 Anzac Parade Maroubra
Take a virtual tour
Level 1, 902 Botany Road Mascot
Take a virtual tour
142 Avoca Street Randwick
Take a virtual tour

Tuition Times

Our tuition centres are open 7 days a week, offering you a complete range of options to fit in with your life style.

Monday – Friday: 4pm – 8pm
Saturday – Sunday: 9am – 6pm

Our private tutors are available at convenient times, working around a normal school schedule. We appreciate that children are involved in other activities, so we offer such a wide range of times.