First Education

Meet the Tutors – Marie Sfinas

Harry Mav: Hey Marie, thank you for your time today! Let’s get right into it, what are you studying at university?

Marie Sfinas: Hey! I’m studying Education / Arts at Sydney Uni.

HM: Brilliant, and what are your teaching areas?

MS: History and Geography! I’ve always loved History and Geography I’ve come to really appreciate, I believe it’s so important that we understand how things came to be the way they are now in terms of both the human world (through the study of History) and the natural world (through the study of Geography).

HM: Very wise! And you’re doing your placements at the moment?

MS: Yep I’ve been going to schools and getting some invaluable experience teaching the students there! It’s just great to be helping students and working on being a better teacher and tutor!

HM: Amazing stuff! And you’ve been tutoring for a while now right?

MS: Correct, almost 5 years! It’s awesome to see the students grow over this time, unfortunately school teachers usually see their students for a year, two years max and then the rest is done at a distance, it has been wonderful seeing my students grow as learners and as people over this extended period of time.

HM: It is indeed a privilege and an honour! And outside of uni and tutoring how do you usually spend your time?

MS: I love the outdoors, lots of beach and gym and hanging with friends. I’ve also been getting into baking which I’m really enjoying because I can find healthier versions of yummy recipes. Recently too I’ve started doing a 10k steps per day and raising funds for breast cancer.

Meet the Tutors – Corine Hanna

Harry Mav: Hey Corine, let’s do this! So let’s start with you studies, what are you studying at the moment at university:

Corine Hanna: Hey Harry, I’m studying Health Science at University of Sydney, majoring in Anatomy and Histology. I’m sitting the GAMSAT as we go and looking to get into post grad medicine in the not so distant future.

HM: Incredible, the world will be a better place with Dr Hanna around! And what subjects do you cover in your tutoring?

CH: I tutor Maths, Science, Biology and Business Studies. I have also been working on the notes that we have for the Maths Standard course which I’ve found very rewarding. I guess most of all though I just love being there for the students, seeing what they want and are capable of and helping them achieve their goals!

HM: Beautiful! And I hear you’re the youngest member on the medical imaging team in hospital and were once the vice captain of your high school, do you think you use this leadership experience with your students?

CH: I think so! I really try to relate to every student to understand what they’re going through and find similarities with my life to try and help them overcome their obstacles as they arise. Yes it’s important to work on their Maths or their Science but I think it’s so important to understand each student’s mind most of all, to determine what makes them tick and work to inspire them in their learning!

HM: Sounds awesome. And outside of uni studies and tutoring what do you get up to when you have some time?

CH: I’m quite involved in the Lebanese society at uni which is great for meeting new people! I’ve been playing a bit of tennis as well and just having lunch with my family, it’s amazing how easy it is to take their company for granted!

Meet the Tutors – Paul Langlands

Harry Mav: Hey Paul, thank you for your time today! Well let’s start with the obvious, how long have you been tutoring and what subjects do you tutor?

Paul Langlands: Hi Harry, great to speak with you! I’ve been tutoring for 3 years now and loved every minute! I specialise in Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

HM: Amazing! And what are you studying?

PL: I’m in my final year of Advanced Science majoring in Physics and Chemistry at UNSW. My plan after this is to do honours and then doing a PHD in Physics and moving into lecturing or research.

HM: Wow so hardcore! The world could definitely use more academics and lecturers like you!And outside of uni how do you usually spend your time?

PL: Tutoring and creating resources a lot! But if you mean in terms of leisure, I play computer games and read books about science history.

HM: Fascinating! And are there particular scientists you like or lessons to be learnt from stufying science history?

PL: I’m particularly interested in the scientists that came up with Quantum Theory like Max Plank and Niels Bohr. And Richard Feynman is just inspiring in the way he makes things flow and simple to understand. It’s something I’ve been implementing in the HSC Program I’ve been developing for Physics.

HM: You’ve certainly made some incredible resources here for your students! And finally your tattoos are low key awesome, what was the inspiration behind your first one?

PL: My first tattoo was actually the exact same one that my grandfather had, I also have a twin brother and he got the exact same one but just in a different colour.

Meet the Tutors – Bence Zayzon

Harry Mav: Hey Bence, hope you’ve been well now that lockdown is over! Tell us a bit about yourself?

Bence Zayzon: Hey Harry, all is going well, looking forward to getting out again! I’ve been tutoring at the Maroubra Centre for the past four years and just finished a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering at UNSW. It has been quite challenging but super interesting, great to have some free time now!

HM: That’s amazing! And what’s the plan for the next stage of your life?

BZ: I’ve been accepted as an Aerospace Engineering Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force which has been a long term dream of mine for many years!

HM: Wow, that sounds like it must have been super competitive! Do you think your time tutoring has contributed to this somehow?

BZ: Yes definitely! Tutoring has developed me in so many ways including leadership, mentorship and teamwork! It has been the best role ever, super rewarding and super fun. Every day is just a little different with new challenges to overcome!

HM: Incredible! And is there a specific ethos you’ve carried through your tutoring?

BZ: I’ve always tried to keep the learning fun and light hearted, making sure the students enjoy the process as well as learning along the way! It’s just great to see students without much confidence start to love their subject and improve their marks drastically!

HM: Very cool. And what other facets of your life play a big role?

BZ: Gym and exercise is a big part of what I do too! I set up a home gym during lockdown which has really kept me going!

Meet the Tutors – Jasmina Harrar

Harry Mav: Hi Jasmina, thank you for your time today!! So let’s get right into it, what do you spend most of your time doing in life?

Jasmina Harrar: Thank you Harry! So as well as tutoring at the Earlwood Centre I am in my final year of Commerce and Law, and I try to squeeze in as much recreation in there as I can!

HM: How are you enjoying your course?

JH: I love it! It has been very challenging and definitely keeps me on my toes but it has really confirmed that I want to pursue my career in law going forward! There’s always a lot to juggle but I find if I keep on top of everything and plan effectively then it all ends well.

HM: Amazing! Ok and what subjects have you been tutoring the past few years?

JH: I’ve been tutoring students in English, Economics and Legal studies. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time tutoring, it’s great to be in an environment where every time you do a session it’s a different experience, a unique opportunity to support one of my students!

HM: It is great indeed! And you’ve preferred younger or older students?

JH: Both have been very rewarding but I must say the older students, especially the HSC students. I feel I can make so much of a difference in such a short time!

HM: And indeed that you have done! And finally what is it that you are usually doing in these recreation hours?

JH: There aren’t many but basically Oz tag, dance classes and personal training, specifically weight lifting. The weight lifting in particular I’ve enjoyed because I can set myself a goal and take actions to achieve a very measurable result! COVID has changed all this the past few weeks but I’m still trying to find the right balance in life as much as possible.

Meet the Tutors – Kerryanne Syros

Harry Mav: Hi Kerryanne, thank you for taking the time out to have a chat today! So tell us a bit about yourself!

Kerryanne Syros: Hi Harry, of course! I’m in my final year of a Bachelor of Education / Bachelor of Arts at UNSW majoring in English and Legal Studies. And I have been very lucky to be tutoring at First Education for the last four years!

HM: Ah we’ve been lucky to have you! And what subjects and year levels to you tutor?

KS: Well obviously English and Legal Studies (that’s what I’m studying to teach) but also Business Studies and Modern History. And over the years I’ve taken students of all year levels from K to Year 12, I’ve enjoyed both the younger and older students! Any time when I feel like the student thinks they can’t do something but then we work at it and they suddenly surprise themselves – that’s the best!

HM: 100%! And what are your plans for the future?

KS: Well I want to either start full time teaching next year or even do further studies in Education. It has been an amazing experience supporting and extending students and I would love to delve into it further!

HM: Amazing! And when you’re not studying or tutoring what do you do?

KS: Hehe there isn’t a lot of that time but I guess when I have free time I go to dance classes or to the gym. I’m also getting into interior and exterior design, even architecture!

HM: Ah that’s pretty cool!! And finally have you noticed that COVID has had a big impact on your life this past year?

KS: Not really. I’ve just kept my head down and worked and studied!

Meet the Tutors – Aaron Kostantakis

Harry Mav: Hi Aaron, great to see you today! So let’s start with your studies, what degree are you doing at the moment?

Aaron Kostantakis: Hi Harry, so I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation / Bachelor of Business at UTS in my final year. I really enjoy it, it sounds like a mouthful but it’s all about solving problems that require out of the box solutions.

HM: That sounds super cool! And what do you do outside of uni?

AK: Well I’ve been trying to get into the workforce, I recently did an internship with Deloitte which was really invaluable. Outside of work I try to get involved in as many activities as possible but specifically I’m very into skiing when the weather permits, and spear fishing! My Dad introduced me to spear fishing and it’s something I really enjoy!

HM: Great to hear! And this is your fifth year of tutoring I believe, what subjects and Year levels do you tutor?

AK: I tutor English for all students (Primary and High School) and Maths for Primary school students. I love both maths and English but really I love getting to know students and understanding what works best for each!

HM: I don’t know if you remember this but I had the honour of tutoring you over a decade ago when you were in primary school, I remember you as very polite and extremely switched on! What has been your favourite part of providing tutoring to your students?

AK: I do remember! My journey as a tutor has been amazing, it is awesome to see students progress over a number of years and to see them achieve things they didn’t realise were possible! I’ve had a number of students for over four years now and seeing their growth over this time is just incredible!!

Meet the Tutors – Nicole Lambert

Harry Mav: Hey Nicole, thank you for joining me! Let’s start with what you’re up to at the moment in life, you’ve just finished your uni degree right?

Nicole Lambert: Hey Harry, yep exactly, I just finished a Bachelor of Media, PR and advertising and I’m currently doing a Masters of Commerce (marketing). It’s a field I really enjoy, I’m also doing an internship at the moment in marketing and loving being in the work force as well!

HM: Great to hear! And you’ve been tutoring for a while at First Ed as well right?

NL: Yep I’ve been tutoring since 2017 in English and Maths, it’s been amazing to be able to build students’ confidence and assist in their understanding. I actually used to come here as a student and found the tutoring so helpful for me, it’s an honour to be able to give back and help other students!

HM: That’s right, very cool! Do you have a preferred year level that you like to tutor?

NL: All the year levels come with different rewards and challenges but I think Year 11 and 12 I find the most rewarding. I feel I can really contribute to the students at this critical point of their lives and we can build a really helpful mentoring relationship that makes very tangible differences to their experience of the HSC!

HM: Wow that’s awesome! And especially this year with all the difficulties presented to students is there one thing that has really stood out for you to focus on with your students?

NL: I guess their confidence, I’ve found that so many students are really able to do what they need to do but just don’t believe in themselves and aren’t willing to be vulnerable enough to have a go and risk failure. It’s so necessary though! Video call sessions have added another dimension to the tuition and I think we’re all better off for having it as an option!

Meet the Tutors – Venus Lacoste

Harry Mav: Hey Venus, thank you for taking the time to speak with me today! Let’s get right into it, so what are you studying at the moment?
Venus Lacoste: Hey Harry, I’m studying Fine Arts at National Arts school in my final year. I’m  majoring in painting and I’m doing mostly abstract art, in fact you’d love it Harry a lot of it is quite geometric.
HM: Ah awesome! And do you see yourself working in fine art going forward?
VL: Definitely! I love it and want to keep working in art, but since starting tutoring I’ve really started to think more seriously about going back to uni after this and becoming a teacher!
HM: Ow that’s amazing! So you’ve loved your time tutoring?
VL: I have indeed, it has been great to come up with so may different ways to explain things to the students (these come to me at all different times)! COVID was a big adjustment to move to video call sessions but it made me much more intentional in my sessions then and now.
HM: Very interesting. And what else can you tell us about yourself, I believe you did piano and ballet to a very high level?
VL: I did! Now life gets a bit busy now but I’ve been getting into life drawing classes whenever I can which are great!

Meet the Tutors – Sebastian Zois

Harry Mav: Hey Sebastian, great to be speaking with you today! So tell us a little bit about yourself, what are you studying at the moment?
Sebastian Zois: Hey Harry, likewise! So I’m in my final year of Clinical Science at Macquarie University, I’m loving it! I want to continue there with post graduate Physiotherapy from next year!
HM: Oh wow, that’s cool! And have you had a chance to gain a better insight of COVID with the knowledge from your course?
SZ: Definitely, we did some extra work now on COVID, looked at case studies and understood all sorts of things about the virus.
HM: Great! And you tutor biology, do you bring this knowledge to the students?
SZ: Where it’s relevant. I tutor Biology but also Maths, Physics and Chemistry, I love it!
HM: Awesome! And what is it you love about tutoring?
SZ: I love it when I can develop students to a point where they’re asking really deep questions that get to the core of what they’re learning. I remember once I had a student for Maths and the sciences who was going through a lot in her life. We sat down and talked it through, went over everything not only on an academic side but also from a mentoring / life side and I provided whatever insight I could. She ended up doing really well in her HSC and she is actually now tutoring at the Centre too!!
HM: Wow that’s amazing! It must be really rewarding when one of your students then goes on to become a tutor and help other students! And what else should we know about you?
SZ: I love football! I follow Sydney FC / Arsenal and I also play for Sans Souci. Very happy now that the restrictions are lifting!!