First Education

Meet the Tutors – Annie Bulkeley

Harry Mav: Good afternoon Annie, great to speak with you! So, what are you studying?

Annie Bulkeley: Likewise! So I’m studying Honours in Psychology, I’ve finished my Bachelors degree and doing Masters from next year!

HM: Great! And you’re enjoying it so far?

AB: Very much so! I want to get into either sports psychology, working with adolescents more generally or criminal psychology!

HM: Wow that’s a big spread! What brough you to these areas?

AB: Well I’ve always been fascinated with these areas, I’ve always been very into understanding the mind better as well as with my football.

HM: That’s right, you played at a very high level as a student and your brother James who also tutored with us is in Dubai I believe?

AB: Yes correct, he’s loving it there! We travelled a lot as kids and it gave us a chance to get a really broad spectrum of what life can be!

HM: Great! And your mum teaches at All Saints Grammar I believe?

AB: Yes that’s right, she has been there for a few years, she was actually my teacher for a bit while we were travelling and has been a big factor in my love of learning!

HM: Amazing! And how long have you been tutoring for?

AB: I’ve been tutoring for 5 years now, I used to come to First Education as a student and it has been a privilege coming back as a tutor and sharing with new students! It has been particularly great to have students over a number of years, I have a Year 12 student now that I’ve had since they were in Year 8! It’s highly relevant to my degree and career as well, I love it!