First Education

Tutoring After Exams and in the Holidays

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Coming towards Christmas period and the end of term, it is important to remember that studying does not end. Many students see the period after exams are a time for relaxing and playing videogames with their friends, however, continuing to come to tutoring during this time can provide significant academic benefits.

Firstly, this period of time can help consolidate students’ knowledge on certain topics. Especially after finishing exams, it can highlight potential gaps in the student’s understanding. Post-exam tutoring allows for students to address these areas while the material is still fresh in their minds This further helps to solidify foundational knowledge, helping them to be at a great level at the beginning of the next year.

Furthermore, having tutoring after exams can help students prepare for future challenges for next year. Holidays provide an opportunity for students to get ahead of their class by introducing new concepts or build advanced skills. This will provide students with a head start when they start next year. Moreover, this can help reduce stress and build confidence when the year starts.

Additionally, studying in the holidays can help establish regular study habits. This is beneficial for students to develop before they begin school so they can keep a regular study routine. Moreover, this helps foster discipline by making students develop time management and organisational skills.

Finally, holiday tutoring can help take pressure of exams within the term. The extra time studying earlier in the term will keep students feeling more relaxed as they would be able to explore the topics in greater detail.

However, students should maintain a balanced routine that makes them feel that they deserve their holiday breaks. They should also not overstress and maintain social gatherings.

James Bletsas