Starting Out as a Tutor: Lessons I’ve Learnt

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Since becoming a tutor, there are 3 key lessons I’ve learned that I would pass on to any future tutor.
1. The Importance of Preparation
When I first started, I was nervous before my first few tutoring sessions. Since then, I’ve found that preparation is essential to feeling confident about teaching a session, particularly with new students. Before each session, I plan out activities and review material to ensure the session time is used as productively as possible. However, preparation doesn’t mean planning out every single question because adaptability is equally important. Students may need more time working on one question or task, and as tutors, we need to be able to adapt our lesson plan accordingly.
2. Tutoring is a Continuous Learning Process
An important part of being a good tutor is learning alongside your students. Tutors have to consistently brush up on our knowledge and revisit subject areas from high school and even primary school. Continuous learning also includes learning new ways of teaching, such as new resources, tools, and methods. Also, it is important to learn from other tutors who may have more experience. I have received advice from friends who are experienced tutors, and I would highly recommend this, especially when starting out.
3. Encourage Independent Thinking
Finally, I’ve learned the importance of encouraging independent thinking. While it’s tempting to step in and provide answers, I’ve found that guiding students to think critically and work through problems on their own helps them develop essential skills and builds confidence. As tutors, our role isn’t to give students all the answers but rather, to help students become more self-sufficient and capable of solving problems independently. Sometimes this is a fine line, although observing other tutors is very helpful!
These are the 3 lessons I wish I had known when I was just starting out. Hopefully someone finds them useful!

Enya Rose