First Education


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I had the opportunity to observe Kate’s Year 12 Maths and History session. She did a great job going through a practice booklet with her student.

She came up with her own questions that were similar to the questions in the Maths booklet but were written differently or asked for a different component. This gave her student the ability to ensure he understood each aspect of the Maths concept.

They also went through exam technique and the best way to prepare for the exam. She gave him great tips to help him. He said that he didn’t study some of the topics that they skimmed through in class which was a mistake as it was in the exam.

They went through a range of different type of questions which he could then answer.

She had a great balance of letting him try and answer the question whilst also assisting him when he got stuck. She would also then check his working out to make sure he was on the right track. When he had any errors in his working, she would ask him to see if he could spot the errors or determine where he went wrong, which was great to see him double check his work. If he still needed help or was unsure what the next step was she would clearly break it down and step him through it. It was great to see the look on his face when he started to understand the solution.

I also watched them do some history to prepare him for his history exam. They looked at the topic WW1. They did some paragraph responses and then edited them to refine them. Through the editorial process, Kate gave him some great tips on different ways he can edit efficiently and effectively. They colour coded different sentences which they needed to add more detail to and other sentences to shorten or cut out completely.

Should would give him the opportunity to make any final adjustments before she would look over them and give any feedback.

He often got distracted so she did a great job getting him back on track to do some work.

Kate used a range of materials to ensure her student was equipt to answer a range of different theory and short answer questions so he can feel prepared and confident going into his history exam!

Her student asked her lots of questions to help clarify his understanding and to double check he was on the right track. Kate was great at answering all his questions.

Kate is a very compassionate tutor who
did such a great job!

Ashley Cohen