First Education


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I had the pleasure of observing Briana and her year 1 student today. Briana started the lesson off with reading and then they worked on some Maths. There were 2 key aspects of this session that stood out to me.

1. Briana’s warm and gentle nature with her student. Despite giving direct and clear instructions and guidance throughout the lesson she remained calm and aware of her tone, making sure to always be kind and constructive in her feedback.
2. The interactive nature of the lesson. Whether it be alternating mediums (rotating between colouring in, using the whiteboard or completing worksheets/reading) or simply Briana’s enthusiastic attitude her student remained engaged and happy throughout the entire hour. This is a strategy I will definitely be adopting in my sessions moving forward.

Overall, I was very fortunate to observe Briana’s session today, her positive attitude and creative activities are really inspiring to see and something that I as a fellow tutor am eager to incorporate into my own sessions ahead.

Katerina Vrahnos