First Education


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Today I had the opportunity to observe Kassandra with her yr 12 Business student. Kassandra made excellent use of the whiteboard to take her student through the structure of a response and how markers would expect a certain standard of writing. Following this she went through specific questions and how her student might approach them to gain all the marks. She didn’t provide her students with the full response but tried to lead her student to understand what questions were asking.

They then used a collaborative document to make plans for a variety of questions. She gave her student the freedom to choose her structures and then base her responses of the scaffolds she created. They aligned her notes with thew various topics to ensure her piece contained relevant information and remained on topic. She discussed case studies and their importance and how to include them in a response to maximise her marks.

She allowed her student to research and provide examples for case studies instead of providing them for her which prepared her for any independent study she would need to do prior to her assessment. When her student was stuck, she still provided hints to avoid any wasted time without giving her the answers. Discussions are an excellent way to help students retain information and so Kassandra mace good use of active discussions.

She further pointed out how to avoid mistakes like confusing marketing and business objectives. This is important to expose the students to what markers look out for.

Overall, I think Kassandra did an excellent job, keeping her student engaged and ensuring she improved in her writing and her ability to retain

Olga-Liana Athanasatos