First Education


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Today I had the opportunity to observe Eric with his student. Eric was teaching his students equations specifically solving equations.

Eric made sure to give his student examples to make sure that as he taught the content, his student was retaining the information and able to apply it to any question he was given. He went over all the possible difficulties to make sure his student was prepared to encounter any challenging equations in his assessments. Eric made sure to use the board to easily show his student how to format his working out which is an extremely important factor to ensure he gets all the marks in the questions. He made his student aware of how to make sure his answers were correct. Specifically, he taught his student to substitute his answers back into equations. This is extremely important in ensuring understanding and guaranteeing the student can maximise their marks.

He asked open ended questions, these are important and should be implemented more often to make sure students are not only listening but understanding. asking questions which expect answers forces students to stay on their toes and pay attention throughout the entire session. This also prompts students to ask questions about anything that is confusing and make sure that by the end of the lesson, they have learnt and developed in the topic being studied.

Overall, I believe he did a great job in teaching the topic and his explanations and methods can be implemented in many mathematics lessons to ensure our students understand the content and are aware of the various ways to check their work in order to receive the marks they need. Great job!!

Olga-Liana Athanasatos